
Was your computer infected by the Conficker virus (alias Kido or Downadup)? If yes, you used antivirus famous, but Conficker could not be cleaned completely? Not need to sad moreover disappointed. Currently PC Media, as market-leader the computer magazine in Indonesia, produced PCMAV Express for Conficker that at this time was *satu-satunya* antivirus especially Conficker supreme in the world that could give the complete solution in overcoming this virus. And this proved that PCMAV always to antivirus Indonesian pride, although that was dealt with was the foreign virus nan-sophisticated.
The NOTE: was caused so complex him the handling of this Conficker virus, especially resulting from the application of technology rootkit him that was quite neat and “indah”, architecture scan engine the PCMAV standard 2.0 available was not drafted and prepared to handle the new kind virus of this kind. It was for that purpose why PCMAV Express for Conficker this was present while being waiting for the appearance of the magazine PC the Media 05/2009 that will contain PCMAV the newest release.
Be different from antivirus other, PCMAV Express for Conficker was drafted specially and specially to be able to recognise accurately 100% and eradicated complete Conficker as far as “akar-akarnya”, although this virus had the technique antidebugging, anti-VM, double-layer obfuscated code and rootkit (siluman) that including sophisticated and complex.
Must be known, although PCMAV Express this could recognise accurately and settled 3 variants from Conficker (Conficker.A, B, & B-1) that was obtained by us from however many loyal readers the magazine of PC Media, but only 2 main variants (Conficker.A & B) that was known and was believed in by us spread so the width to hundreds of thousands of PC in the homeland. So untrue that at the moment the Conficker virus that entered Indonesia had hundreds as far as thousands of variants. Information sesat this an eye was the speculation of a small number of sides reseller/the seller/the manufacturer antivirus amatiran that in no way had adequate competence to analyse this virus that was really quite complex. Nevertheless, was not closed the possibility would the existence of the new Conficker variant. Please sent to editorial staff if you found him.
Moreover, if being antivirus other that as though could detect so many of them the variant of this virus (belasan as far as tens), then could be ascertained that the manufacturer antivirus this was deceived by the technique obfuscated code that was applied in this virus, or could also resulting from the technical inability of the manufacturer antivirus this that only understood the technique pendeteksian simple/the amateur with used hash (CRC, MD5, SHA). And technically, antivirus this kind would keok just as Conficker was active in memory.
First and the only one in Indonesia, PCMAV Express for Conficker was supplemented with technology RootScan newest nan-smart, that safely could penetrate as far as ring0 (kernel-mode) to detect the technology virus rootkit. This the main key so that antivirus could eradicate rootkit a kind of Conficker. Be as great as anything one antivirus in this world, while Conficker could be active and hiding in ring0, all the powers and efforts antivirus this to detect and cleanse him of most configurations system will be completely in vain. And our foreknowledge, just PCMAV Express this the only one antivirus especially Conficker in the world that used the sophisticated technique nan-unique this kind to chase this virus from memory safely.
Moreover, PCMAV Express this then could settle Conficker and cleaned settingan system that was infected and could restore him to the situation originally, including activated came back services that he turn off. Was difficult found antivirus Conficker other in the world that had the capacity like this: clean and complete!
As the addition, the complete analysis of this Conficker virus, that still was becoming the topic of warm discussions of the researchers antivirus all over the world, will be contained in the magazine PC the Media 05/2009 togethered with the PCMAV release newest that could overcome him. And the FAQ abstract the analysis of this virus will immediately be added in blog this. So, keep-in-touch!

The Use rule:
1. Confirmed user you had the right to be equal the Administrator.
2. Deactivated antivirus that terinstall in order to not disturb PCMAV Express.
3. Confirmed beforehand that your computer *tidak* terkoneksi to the network or the internet for the process scan.
4. After being finished, really was suggested to do restart and scan repeated (if necessary).
5. After the virus succeeded in being settled, immediately update/patch Windows Anda. PCMAV Express this then could detect if your computer not yet in patch.
6. Ascertain all of PC that has terhubung in the network also was free Conficker, before PC Anda came back terkoneksi to the network.
7. Confirmed password Administrator's right in PC Anda was not easy to be guessed, because Conficker had the capacity to infiltrate with did “tebakan” against password the Administrator with the public's available vocabulary in his dictionary. The substitute password you with the combination alphabet and numeric in order to be not easy to be guessed.
8. If the step 3-7 above was not followed by you well, then big the Conficker possibility could attack came back, was as good as anything antivirus that was used by you.

Download Here :
Download PCMav Express


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